What is the Meaning of A Balanced Life?

Balance is defined as:

  • An even distribution of weight or force
  • A situation where things are in equal proportions

In the context of life, balance doesn’t mean striving for equal all the time. Balance is not sustainable with a ‘do it all’ ‘have it all’ attitude. It’s about spending time and energy on things that mean the most to you. The weight you give each of those aspects can only be determined by you. 

Here’s how to discover your own balance. 

Swap Busy for Balance

We know. Life happens. Commitments pop-up and fill your diary. Juggling work, family and personal demands suddenly becomes a challenge. Keeping it together all the time is almost impossible when daily curveballs push you off your tracks. 

We live in a society where busy-ness is celebrated. Where ‘more’ is better. But the more certain aspects consume your time and energy, the more likely you are to burn out. Burnout is a modern-day syndrome that many of us experience. In order to avoid burnout, we must slow down and reassess what we value. And restore the balance that may have been lost on the way. 

How Do I Find Balance?

Here’s the key. You don’t find balance. You create it. We have to learn to switch our mindset from trying to achieve a work-life balance, to just living life – with balance within us. Finding the calm and inner peace in the midst of any chaos life throws your way is the key to living with balance.

Creating balance means making time and space for things that you have to do, as well as things that you want to do to make you feel restored, rejuvenated and fulfilled. 

Balance 101

Balance doesn’t happen overnight. To create balance, you need an action plan. 

Not sure where to start? Here are all the pieces of the puzzle you need for a sustainable balanced life.

1. Start with the foundations:

Set a solid routine to look after your mind and body. Eat a healthy balanced diet filled with wholesome, nourishing foods. Make sure you prioritise sleep every night to rest and declutter your mind. Move for at least 30 minutes a day to keep your body healthy. These are fundamental basics of living. Once one is neglected, the remainder falls apart. 

2. Pause and reprioritise:

Take some time to assess what you value most. Learn when to say no when you can’t add more to your plate. We all have a limited capacity – we must slot in what we ‘must-do’ and avoid what we can do without. 

3. Non-negotiable down-time:

Self-care can often take the back seat when things pop-up that take priority. While sometimes it’s inevitable, you have to slot in some time for you. Whether it’s a 5 minute morning walk before a day at work or a few minutes of stretching between your meetings, spending some time to unwind is essential.

4. Perfection is impossible:

Accept that things can still happen out of your control. Find peace in everyday life, even when it may not go the way you want all the time. The path to a balanced life starts by gaining awareness of your inner peace. Where you will consistently feel that everything will always work out.  

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